Sunrising Meditation & Breath Works

Classes start Thursday July 13th @ 5am PT

Every Thursday 6am PT/9am ET (July 13th - August 31st) via Zoom

Nothing starts the day off better than waking to the rising sun! A time for yourself, your breath, and to become centered. Each week we will explore a Mindful Meditation and breath practices based within ancient Indian Yoga practices, Aikido, Mindfulness Philosophies, Taoism, and more. These classes will provide you with a few basic, yet powerful, skills for you to incorporate into your everyday life. 

Weather permitting, I encourage you to join me outside for this class. Given that summer is just peaking, you may also sit inside near a window, or in any space that is available/most comfortable for you. Even join from your bedside, if you would like! Living in the desert, I may have to forgo the outside at times as well. Being comfortable is the most important part of this class.

We will most likely be seated or lying down in this class. Again, this class is all about being comfortable and about making it your own. This is YOUR practice. 

Class is open to all levels of students (new to advanced and everything in-between) as well as all abilities. Zoom calls will have the option for live close captions.

Class Level:  All Levels Welcome

Ability Level: All Abilities Welcome

Dress: Comfy and moveable clothes 

Props: Cushion or pillow to sit on, Blanket (if you get cold or for comfort)

Each week a class recording will be sent directly to you. Only the ones who sign up for a class will have access to these videos. If you miss a day, no worries. You can practice via the recording when it works best for you. And want to rewatch a practice, rad…you can rewatch the videos as much as you would like. Students will have access to the videos at least through September 2023, if not indefinite.


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