Principles of Mindfulness

I can’t believe that the 8 week Somatic Adventures series has now come to an end. It was such a pleasure and honor to share some of what I am continuing to learn with you all. 

You may not have know this, but over this series we have learned the 7 Principles of Mindfulness:


I hope that you enjoy the take away practices and continue to think about, incorporate, practice these principles as best fits for you.

Again, thank you for joining me for this series and I look forward to practicing with you again. Please reach out with any questions, comments, concerns. 


With much Luv and Gratitude,




Take Away Practice

Beginners Mind Eating Practice

This is a great practice to slow down, to become mindful, to reconnect with your meal as well as get curious. This can be done at any meal of the day or all meals.

With your meal in front of you, take a moment to look at your food.

  • Take notice of what is in the dish.

  • Think about how the food was made.

  • Who made this food?

If you’d like, give gratitude to all who made your meal possible and to the food for bringing you nourishment (even if you are eating something not so good for you), example:

  • growers

  • farmers

  • truck drivers

  • grocery store

  • chefs/cooks

As you take the first bite just take notice of how the food

  • tastes

  • smells

  • the texture

  • spices

  • temperature

Really explore and get curious, as if you are eating this food/dish for the very first time.

  • How does your body feel as you swallow your food?

  • How does your mind feel?

  • If you aren’t enjoying your food, I invite you to explore why, without judgment. Taking notice to the good, the bad, and the neutral parts of your meal.

Continue to explore your food as you take your time to eat, to enjoy, and see if you are able to feel the food fill you up with nourishment.


Beginners Mind