
As we explored Trust last week, we were really connecting within Loving Kindness and trusting that love and kindness starts within ourselves. 

Wednesday afternoon in Adventures within Somatics we became a seed full of loving kindness that, through trust, grew into a beautiful tree.In Sunrising Meditation & Breath Works Thursday morning, we did a Loving Kindness Mindful Meditation sending loving kindness energy to a variety of people from ourselves to all living beings. Sunday we learned to trust in the earth as we received loving kindness.

This weeks Practice Take Away is Loving Kindness Mindful Meditation.


Presence within Patience

The theme for the third week in this 8 week series is Patience. Back in 2018, when I was biking across Aotearoa (NZ), I was always rushing. At one point, about 2 weeks in to the trip, I was struggling for hours to climb up a mountain. I found myself pushing so hard, not allowing myself to take a break til I got to the top.

Just get to the top! I want this moment to be done! I’m over it, just push, puSH, PUSH! Get this over with already!!!

These words hit me like a ton of bricks. Wait…WHAT?!? When I get to the top, get done with this means that this trips is one step closer to being done. I’m not ready for this adventure, that I’ve been waiting a lifetime for, to be over yet. I will not rush anymore. So I sat down in the dirt, took out my canned lunch, and decided to enjoy this moment within pain. When I did, I became present. 

Sitting in the dirt, body dripping with sweat, every muscle in full exhaustion, riddled with pain, I found some peace, some comfort. A smile even began to appear. And when I looked out from the mountain I realized I had been missing out, I had spent hours trying to get past this moment that I hadn’t seen it, the most amazing gift, an epic one-of-a-kind view of the endless miles of vibrant lush green mountains of this far off land. (Did I just see Samwise?)

When we rush to get things done or to get past the pain of something or to get something over with we miss out on the present. I have found that when I am present, the pain I’m isn’t as bad. I have found when I am present, the joy is grounding. I have found when I am present my thoughts become quieter, giving me a feeling of deeper connection within and around me. 

So this week I look forward to exploring patience with you all. You can still join us, at any time, links to classes are below.

This Weeks Class Overviews


Wednesday July 26th, 2023 4pm PT/7pm ET

In Adventures within Somatics, we will play with movements and visualizations to explore patience. Class is open to all ages, abilities, and levels.

Thursday July 27th, 2023 6am PT/9am ET

During the Sunrising Meditation & Breath Works, we will reconnect with patience within our breath and a Mindful Meditation within stillness.  Class is open to all ages, abilities, and levels. 

Sunday July 30th, 2023 5pm PT/8pm ET

For our most delicious class of all…Rest & Digest, is the ultimate stillness practice within comfort, instead of exploring patience we will surrender fully to it. Class is open to all ages, abilities, and levels.

Even though classes have started you can still join us. Sign up gives you access to weekly class recordings, even if you can’t make the live zoom classes.

I hope that this post gives you some insight or something to ponder or explore for yourself.


With much Luv and Gratitude,




Take Away Practice

Loving Kindness Meditation Intro

We all have the natural capacity to be kind and with practice you can develop this skill. Being kind allows us to further connect with ourselves, with others, with all beings. 

In loving Kindness or Metta Meditation we will learn how to develop and express unconditional, inclusive love. This love has no conditions and does not depend on if someone is worthy or not of love. Loving kindness is not restricted to just the ones we already love, such as family and friends but also to all living beings. 

Loving Kindness Meditation is not about goodwill, or obligations but comes from selflessness. It’s a soft, warm, open love that every being is capable of. 


Either sit or lie down on a mat or in a chair. Take a breath, root within your sit bones.

During this meditation, silently speak the following phases silently to yourself as you send loving kindness to others and yourself. 

We will start with someone we love. sometimes loving kindness meditation starts with sending love to ourselves but this can be difficult. Sending love to someone we know allows the love and kindness we already feel for this person to radiate within and continue throughout this meditation and helps to softly begin to break down the barriers within ourselves. 

Root in sit bones….feel save within the earth as you open your heart, mind, body to sending and receiving energy of loving kindness. Notice your breath as you begin to breath into your heart. Feel the loving kindness energy within your heart.  

Loved One

Envision someone you love. This can be a family member, friend, partner or some one who easily brings love within you heart.  See them in from of you and begin to send them loving kindness from your heart as you repeat the following phases silently. 

May YOU be safe

May YOU be happy

May YOU be healthy

May YOU live with ease

Repeat 3 times

Continuing reciting these phrases in you mind, feeling loving kindness extend out through your heart.

After a couple of times reciting these phrases or for a few minutes, continue to feel loving kindness in your heart as you slowly release the phases, sit for a moment within this loving kindness energy.


Keep the feeling of Loving kindness energy within you heart and now begin to direct it towards yourself. Begin to send them loving kindness from your heart to yourself as you repeat the following phases silently. 

May I be safe

May I be happy

May I be healthy

May I live with ease

Notice if there’s a feeling of aversion, or judgement, when sending loving kindness to yourself…this does not mean you are failing to offer loving kindness. As you peel away the layers of self, allow any negative emotions to arise, so that you can actively replace them with loving-kindness. 

Repeat the phrase 2 more times

Continuing reciting these phrases in you mind, feeling loving kindness extend out through your heart.

After a couple of times reciting these phrases or for a few minutes, continue to feel loving kindness in your heart as you slowly release the phases, sit for a moment within this loving kindness energy.

Neutral Person

Now think of a neutral person. Someone you may not know but see often. A bus driver, someone you pass on a daily walk, someone working at your grocery store. You may not know their name and you only need to think of them, you don’t need to envision them. Begin to send them loving kindness from your heart as you repeat the following phases silently. 

May YOU be safe

May YOU be happy

May YOU be healthy

May YOU live with ease

Repeat 3 times

Continuing reciting these phrases in you mind, feeling loving kindness extend out through your heart.

After a couple of times reciting these phrases or for a few minutes, continue to feel loving kindness in your heart as you slowly release the phases, sit for a moment within this loving kindness energy. 

Difficult Person

Begin to think about someone who you had an argument with or someone you may not always get along with. You only need to think of them, you don’t need to envision them. Begin to send them loving kindness from your heart as you repeat the following phases silently. 

May YOU be safe

May YOU be happy

May YOU be healthy

May YOU live with ease

Notice if there’s a feeling of aversion, or indecisiveness, when evoking the thought of this person...and that does not mean you are failing to offer loving kindness. As you peel away the layers of self, allow any negative emotions to arise, so that you can actively replace them with loving-kindness. 

Repeat the phrases 2 more times.

Continuing reciting these phrases in you mind, feeling loving kindness extend out through your heart.

After a couple of times reciting these phrases or for a few minutes, continue to feel loving kindness in your heart as you slowly release the phases, sit for a moment within this loving kindness energy.

All Beings

I invite you to envision all beings, all humans, all plants, animals, souls, the Earth, all beings in the universe and beyond. Begin to send them loving kindness from your heart as you repeat the following phases silently. 

May ALL BEINGS be safe

May ALL BEINGS be happy

May ALL BEINGS be healthy

May ALL BEINGS live with ease

3 times repeat

Continuing reciting these phrases in you mind, feeling loving kindness extend out through your heart to all beings.

After a couple of times reciting these phrases or for a few minutes, continue to feel loving kindness in your heart as you slowly release the phases, sit for a moment within this loving kindness energy.

Slowly bring your awareness back, thank yourself for taking the time to spread loving kindness to yourself and others. Take small movements as you slowly blink your eyes and as you move through out your day, take this energy of loving kindness with you.


Non Striving

